Kylee was gracious enough to come on our podcast this week and share the
story of her little boy, McKrae. Kylee and her husband, Kale were so
excited in March of 2022 to bring a new baby into their family. What they
didn't know, was that they were delivering a baby with down syndrome into a
hospital that didn't have the staff or a NICU to give them the right kind
of care.
McKrae's health was also put to the test during his first few months of
life, when he started to have unexplained seizures. Kylee tells us about
how she recognized what his seizures were, and how they have been working
with doctors to make sure his health continues to improve.
Every year in the US, 6,000 babies are born with Down syndrome. It's a
genetic condition when a baby is born with an extra copy of chromosome 21.
It can be diagnosed through prenatal screenings, and can also be diagnosed
after birth with a physical exam, and a blood test.
McKrae is going to be one year old this month, and we couldn't help but
share his story with all of our listeners. His diagnosis doesn't change how
perfect and special he is, and Kylee won't let it hold him back from
accomplishing anything he wants to!